Age 35 ans
sexe masculin
type: guerrier attaquant (knight)
profession: mercenaire membre de l'équipe 12 des gardes frontières Harmonians.
etoileTenhei (astre céleste díéquité)

histoire: C'est un ancien Mercenaire de Gilbert, originaire de Vine del Zexay. Il fait maintenant partie de l'équipe de Geddoe. Il est chargé des dépenses de l'équipe, des rapports et autres paperasses.Il raconte plein de mensonge et a eut une liaison avec Elaine.

recrutement: automatique

commentaire: A member of the Twelfth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's Southern Frontier Defense Force. He manages the unit's administrative duties.

fin: Managing the headstrong SFDF, he can't avoid complaining.

P. He's the clerk and accountant for the Twelfth Unit of the Southern Frontier Defense Force. He whines a lot and likes women.
1. He's leading a hard life as a mercenary.
2. He's doing the accountant's job because nobody else wanted it. He got the short end of that stick.
3. He's writing a novel under a funny pen name. Maybe it has already been published! (voir dans le journal de bidehuc)

lettre: Si Hugo ou Chris sont le Flame Champion
1) It's me
Hi! How are you doing? You're a hard worker to prepare such a thing.
2) Restaurant
Can't we do something about that restaurant? The food is okay, but the amount they serve...
3) I wrote to Jeane about my feelings toward her and by now it must have moved her to tears.
4) About Queen
Queen wants to perform the part of Juliet. It can't be helped. I'll be Romeo.
5) That restaurant
The cook at that restaurant stares at me with a cold look. Did I do something wrong?

si Geddoe est le Flame champion
1) Good job today
Commander, good job today. This is okay, but do your job, too.
2) Restaurant
Can't you do something about that restaurant? The food is alright, but the amount...
3) At a bath
I took a bath with Joker and Jacques, but we ended up bickering with each other. These guys are such a pain!
4) Restaurant
Mamie gave me a cold glance...Did I do something wrong?
5) Thinking aloud
I guess this kind of castle is alright. Though I won't be able to stay forever.

théatre: a good actor, but not a reliable ad libber. Still he attracts an audience.


niveau de départ 19
skill point 40
nombre d'emplacement de skill libre 4
ditance d'action 25m

skill pour les batailles strategique: riding
role dans les batailles strategiques: Membre

Emplacement de runes
tete non
main droite double tusk
main gauche niv 32

arme deux espèces de poignard
nom niv 1-5 Julia , niv 6-11 Milan, niv 12-16  Eisha

attaque groupée
-avec Geddoe, queen, Jack et Joker
-avec Joker seul
skill   niv max du skill   niv du perso/niveau du skill si automatique
Swing B+
accuracy B+ 1E
damage B 1D
thief B+ 27E
repel B 1D
armor protect B
holy dash B+
skill niv max du skill
fire magic C
water magic C
wind magic B
earth magic B
lightning magic B+
sword magic B
magic resist


Galerie  d'images
