Age 52 ans
sexe masculin
Nationalité zexen
type: support character
profession: armurier
etoile Chiyu (astre terrestre de bravoure)
recrutement: allez le voir dans sa boutique à Vine del zexay, prétendez que vous aimez l'art et achetez-lui sa mole armor à 40 000 potch. c'est cher... mais elle fait partie d'un ensemble, c'est Cecile qui a les gants, si quelqu'un veux s'amuser à retrouver les morceaux. Le casque est dans un des coffres gardé par les monstres..mais je ne sais plus lequel, et le bouclier, c'est twaikin qui l'a.

commentaire: A defensive gear vendor. He is a fine craftsman but occasionally even he sells defective merchandise.

fin: Keeps up armor shop in Budehuc Castle. Customers avoid his lengthy chats.

enquete :P. He is a craftsman of defensive gear. He has an old man's temper and stubborness.
1. There's nothing interesting in his private life. He's a real craftsman.
2. After work, he goes home quickly. That's normal.
3. He wants to expand his shop so it is really big. That's not unusual.

1) Reporting
If you want me to speak up. I'll share my ideas. That's it.
2) Business
When they aren't paying attention, I overcharge customers. That's how it's done.
3) Defensive gear
Some of my defensive gear is artistic and some is practical. The choice is yours.
4) Recently
This castle is getting noisy. It's great to have so many customers, but to tell the truth, I don't like children running around the shop.
5) A lad tried to steal defensive gear, but fainted when I hit him with it. Defensive gear can be used as a weapon!

théatre: supporting roles are fine, but he canít create a character.
skill: rien!!

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