
Age 24 ans
sexe masculin
Nationalité Lézard
type: support character
profession: Forgeron
etoile Chiko (astre terrestre díesseulement)
recrutement: on trouve ce forgeron frustré dans la Great hollow, à la forge, evidement. Pour le recruter, il faut que vous ayez un marteau avec vous... (il suffit d'aller en chercher un au premier étage. Dans le centre de commerce, quelqu'un a le Iron Hammer.) Ensuite demandez à Peggi d'aiguiser vos armes, et donnez lui le marteau qui lui fait tant envie!

commentaire: A blacksmith who talks loudly and agressively.

fin: Stays in Budehuc Castle and gains a reputation as a blacksmith.

enquete :P. He's the Lizard Clan blacksmith. He has a big voice.
1. It seems like he's always angry, but he said he's not like that.
2. The Clan can rely on his blacksmithing skill. He says that being picky about tools is a sure characteristic of a craftsman.
3. He used to be a warrior, but he was hurt in battle and became a blacksmith.

1) Shining weapons
Aren't there weapons that shine more? Weapons that shine when you hit them?
2) New hammers!
To the east! a new hammer! In a town with many warriors! A guy there has a new hammer!
3) A new hammer!
In a town on the water! A new hammer! A town that has many fish! A new hammer!
4) Kobold
The Kobold warehouse keeper brought his son for me to hammer into shape! I only hammer weapons!
5) The best hammer!
In a burnt town! The best hammer! In a town with a windmills! The best hammer!

theatre: itís good to have a loud voice, but having only that is not enough

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