
Age 21 Ans... plus jeune que Rhett?? j'aurais dit l'inverse...
sexe masculin
Nationalité Duck
type: guerrier attaque (reflexcmdr)
etoile Chitan (astre terrestre de brieveté)
recrutement: allez le chercher avec le sergent Joe dans votre équipe, au village de Duck à partir du moment où on a notre QG.

commentaire: The wisest of the Duck Clan. He is Sgt. Joe's friend, but Sgt. Joe treats him like a younger brother.

fin: Makes his living as a Grasslands guide who escorts caravans.

enquete :P. He is a young member of the Duck Clan. He is like a younger brother to Sgt. Joe and an elder brother to Rhett.
1. He and Rhett were complaining at the pub about the sergeant's harsh training.
2. Rhett is his childhood friend. He is secretly proud that he is smarter than Rhett.
3. He likes playing the trumpet. It suits him. I'd like to hear him play.

1) I'm here
Why am I here? (sob...)
2) Special Training
A Sergeant gave me a list for special training. 200 squats in the morning... I'll lose my bottom feathers.
3) Muscle pain
I have muscle pain from all this exercising. Couldn't you ask the Sergeant whether I can rest?
4) Library books
Lately, I'm hooked on reading books. I wish there were more titles.
5) Enjoyable castle
I didn't think I would enjoy watching plays and street performances. The Sergeant's training is tough, but I'm glad I'm here.

théatre: has the potential of a smart duck, But can he display that on stage?
bains:Joe,rhett,wilder(si halleck deja recruté)

niveau de départ 42
skill point 900
nombre d'emplacement de skill libre 3
ditance d'action 25m
role dans les batailles strategiques membre

Emplacement de runes
tete non
main droite niv49
main gauche niv1

arme hallebarde, comme tous les canards...
nom niv 1-5 Awa, niv 6-11 Alila Awa, niv 12-16 Hita Awa
skill   niv max du skill   niv du perso/niveau du skill
si automatique
Swing B+
accuracy B 1D
damage B+ 1C
repel B+ 1C
armor protect B
holy dash B+

skill niv max du skill niv du perso/niveau du skill
si automatiqu
fire magic B
water magic B+
wind magic B+
earth magic B
lightning magic C
sword magic B+
reflect B+ 1C
magic resist B+

Galerie  d'images
