Nom:  Rania
Etoile: Chisa

Age: 28 ans
Sexe: F
Origine: Sauronix
Histoire: Soeur ainée de Rahal et fabriquante de flûte pour les chevaliers dragons.
Fonction: Gère les ensembles sons.
Recrutement: A sauronix, prenez Miakis avec vous et parlez lui dans sa boutique. Après l'évenement, sortez de la boutique. Puis entrer de nouveau pour la recruter.

Fin: Continues making dragon horse flutes. Takes on one apprentice after another, but none of them really measure up

Participe aux batailles stratégiques: Oui
En tant que Leader d'unité: Non
En tant qu'assistant d'unité: Non
En tant que support: Oui
capacité: bazar

Peut être pris dans l'équipe? oui
En tant que guerrier: Non
En tant que Support: Oui
capacité: Barde (change la musique du combat)

="DoReMi Elf Maestro"=  He makes the same sounds DoReMi Elves do. Is he human...?
="The Rune Mistress"=  Her sounds are quite unusual. There are  many of them, overlapping, pure... Quite  beautiful as well.

Bains: avec Roog et Nick.

#1: Rania is Rahal's older sister. She's a craftswoman, specializing in those flutes the Dragon Cavalry uses. Her flutes are so popular with both soldiers and dragon horses that she has  orders piled up for years in advance.
#2: A Cavalry soldier's flute has to be able to make sounds that only dragon horses can hear, so they're hard to make. But.  apparently, Rania can hear those sounds, too, and they say that's why her flutes work so well.
#3: Rania can hear lots of things regular humans can't, including dragon horse voices. Maybe that's why she seems so eccentric.  None of us are equipped to understand what she's talking about.

