Nom: Euram Barows
Etoile: Tenfu (la même que Eresh)

Age: 19 ans
Sexe: M
Origine: Rainwall
Histoire: Second fils de Salum Barows. Il était l'officier dirigeant l'armée des Barows lors de la révolte de Lordlake. Il a une grande adoration pour Lymsleia.

Fonction:..... euh.......
Recrutement: Il ne faut pas recruter Eresh. Il faut avoir recruté Isabel et Mathias. Après la libération de Rainwall, aller lui parler au Manoir Barows de Rainwall. Après la scène, choisissez d'aller lui parler de nouveau et monter à l'étage. Vous pourrez alors le recruter

Fin: Gives up his status and estate. He and his family dedicate themselves to the restoration of the Queendom.

Participe aux batailles stratégiques:
En tant que Leader d'unité: non
En tant qu'assistant d'unité: non
En tant que support: oui
capacité: Rumeurs

Peut être pris dans l'équipe? non



#1: Euram is Lord Barow's son and heir. He's a fool, but a  tenacious fool, which makes him very hard to deal with. Although, to be fair, he seems to have turned himself around now.
#2: Bet you didn't know this: Euram and Luserina used to have an older sister, but she died of illness. They had an older brother, too. He got assassinated. Then their mother became too afraid to set foot outside.
#3: Maybe when his mother became phobic, he started acting like a foll who'd always need his mommy. You know, for her sake. Maybe after he'd been doing it long enough, he started thinking that was who he really was. That's my guess.

